Thursday, September 22, 2011

How Our Relationship With Our Characters Is Like Dating a Vampire

Take a look at these 6 similarities between dating a vampire and our relationship with our characters.

  1. He can do no wrong. You know that he's full of flaws, but you ignore them because you're just so in love. You better not though! Those flaws are what makes him special enough to love in the first place. Dangerous, but far more interesting than Mr. Perfect.
  2. You never know how he's going to react. Sure you think for the most part you have him figured out, but then comes that unexpected moment when he does something you weren't ready for. It's exciting and disconcerting at the same time.
  3. Your relationship is so intense that you can't seem to think about anything else. 'Nough said.
  4. Now that you've gotten yourself into this, there's only one way out. To become undead and join him? Or to finish the book?
  5. You're desperate to convince others that there's so much more to him then it seems. It isn't easy to do, but you're determined to succeed.
  6. Being with him is both thrilling and frightening but you're drawn to his side by powers beyond your control.
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  1. Love. This. What a fun (and surprisingly spot on) analogy!

  2. Pretty interesting analogy, but I must say I enjoy 2 and 5 the most. I'm sure each of us have certain ones that appeal to us based on our writing. I would have like to seen one about frustration.

    Great job.

  3. I love number 5! We put so much into our characters, and it's tough to get that all on the page. You know you've done your job when readers "get" your character. Awesome! :)

  4. So what you're saying is that writers are obsessive.

  5. I think finishing the book may not be easier or less painful, but in the long run it is definitely a better option than becoming undead.

  6. Fun post, Lisa. Regarding your number 4 -- don't you wish sometimes you could just jump into your book and join your characters, like Harry does in Chamber of Secrets? Or, knowing how we have to torture them...maybe not!

  7. LOL! I'm surprised at the similarities. I'm delighted that you managed to squeeze in a picture of Damon. ;)

  8. Love these! Most non-writers, I think, may be surprised by the second one - that writers give their characters freedom to do/change/become through the story and that writing is fluid and changeable.

  9. How do you always manage to include Damon? Kidding. Love the post and new Vampire Diaries tonight! :D

  10. Sheer Lisa Gail Green genius. I LOVE these paranormal/writing analogies. Off to tweet this!

  11. LOVE this, Lisa!! I was nodding my head at every single bullet point! Completely awesome.... can't wait to see Damon again tonight ;O)

  12. Hmmm. Being undead can't be too bad. I wouldn't have to waste time sleeping. :D

  13. I don't care what you lady vampire is still to hot to stay away from! The characters in my book, they can die whatever unwritten death they chose...

  14. You make me want to jump right onto or is better?

  15. I go through this all the time with the vampire pet I keep in my closet. Never know what to expect to him when I look for clothes for the day.

  16. I LOVE this analogy. So true! I especially love #1

  17. Lisa, you crack me up! This was totally entertaining.

  18. Have you been hacking my computer again?
