Today I have asked a special guest to come and review Libba Bray's newest book, Going Bovine. I wasn't sure who to ask at first. A gnome seemed obvious, except that the gnome in the book was really a norse god. A dwarf? An angel? But really, would an angel have time to do a book review? I'd feel a bit guilty about that. Finally, I settled on my friend Dave, the mad scientist. So without further ado, take it away, Dave!
Ahem, I prefer to go by my new name: Dr. Paradox. It sounds more intimidating than Dave don't you think? Anyway, I read this book and I have to say at first I was hesitant. I mean the cover sports a cow carrying a garden gnome, not very sciency at all. But I must admit from the moment Schrodinger's cat was brought up, I was hooked!
Ah, the elusive Dr. X (maybe that's better than Pardox, what do you think?) who has unleashed evil on our world. Well, what can I say? He's my hero. He even has that whole Dr. Freeze thing going with the lost love. But I digress.
From the science behind Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease to the mention of Chaos theory without ever naming it, this book has it all. Sure there's lots of philosophy there and a life-changing journey, blah, blah, blah. But, the SCIENCE. And now I have a new goal - travel to parallel universes and bring back dark matter with which to destroy the world!!! Mwahahahaha!
Um, Dave.
Dr. Paradox!
Okay, Dr. Paradox. If you destroy the world won't that destroy you too?
Details! I will drown in the details of small minds! Ugh. Just go read the book. Everyone out there - go read this book, or I will destroy the world! Mwahahaha!
Thank you Dr. Paradox for that enlightening review. My own opinion? It's one of the best books I've ever read. I don't say that lightly. I'm kind of strange though, so take it with a grain of salt. And it isn't just because I hero-worship Libba Bray. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to see what Dr. Paradox is doing in my kitchen with my son's chemistry set...