Monday, October 18, 2010

Monday Madness - Leslie Rose

Today's Monday Madness features my friend and critique partner Leslie Rose.

Now if you read Leslie's bio, you will see that she has great credentials. She has a Masters in Design from UCLA, and taught there for many years. She now teaches upper elementary kids and writes YA.

What you don't see in her bio is her personality which, and I can say this from firsthand knowledge, is bigger than King Kong. She's not only open, friendly, approachable, and kind. She's FUNNY, energetic, outgoing, and crazy (but in a good way).

And this translates to her writing. Which is incredible. I have no doubt that she will find representation and publication. You can have all the credentials in the world, but be unable to write like that.

Leslie keeps me fresh. She keeps me thinking on my toes. And I love her for it.

So what is she?? Well, lets see.. The ability to go between teacher, friend, and writer while all the time being both hysterical, supportive, and intellectual?

She's a Shape-Shifter! Well, either that or an alien. But I'm going with Shape-Shifter here. It just sounds better.

Now, go forth and clicky-clicky the link. Leslie's just started a writing blog and she needs your support. I promise she's worth following.


  1. Checked out Leslie's nice of you to spread the word. Great post!

  2. Oooh, I'm off to check out her blog. This Monday feature is a great idea. :D

  3. Renae - Thanks! I know she'll appreciate the visits.

    Stina - Hope you enjoy!

  4. Blushing doesn't begin to cover it. I can never wear red again, it will clash with my face. Thank you for your kind words, Lisa. You are one of a kind yourself! Thanks to Renae and Stina for blog visits. Julie, you rock.

  5. Leslie sounds like a lot of fun, and a great friend on top of it all! I'll definitely check out her blog.

  6. Heather - thanks! I was just about to go visit your blog and got your comment. :D

  7. L.J. - Yup! Spoken like a true Kachina

  8. BTW, I am an alien shape shifter. Lisa, you read me like a cheap novel.

  9. Now that I know, does that mean you have to kill me?

  10. Hi Lisa,

    Thanks so much for the synopsis encouragement! By the way, I'm on the Rutgers U Council for Children's Literature--were you at the last conference? I loved your VAMPIRE ABCs. My new book (ages 4 & up) is A VAMPIRE IS COMING TO DINNER! Pamela Jane (

  11. Pamela - Thanks for coming by! No I wasn't at that conference, so far only SCBWI really. Your book sounds GREAT! Glad you enjoyed my ABCs. ;D

  12. A Shape shifter huh? Never would have guesses it
