Monday, November 19, 2012

Focus on the Positive

It's time to remind ourselves what we're thankful for. Too often we get caught up in the misery of rejection and writer's block and we forget all the wonderful things about writing. 

Here's my list:
  • Writer friends like you
  • chocolate and coffee
  • my laptop (which seems to be surgically attached to my lap)
  • shiny new ideas
  • meeting new characters
  • reading amazing books
  • the occasional "yes"or personalized rejection
  • saying the words "I'm a writer." and meaning it.
Having trouble making your own list? Answer this: Why did you start writing? Tell me in the comments! 


  1. You always remind us of what's good in life. Thanks, Lisa. That is a great question to ask ourselves.

  2. Yes, yes, yes! So important to remember those positives and focus on them. I started writing because I had an idea and once I started writing, I was hooked.

  3. It doesn't take much for me to remember why I started writing. And I can't imagine ever stopping. I mean other than for the obvious reason. My heart has stopped pumping. :)

    Great post, Lisa!

  4. Yes to all the things on your list! I don't know what I would do without writing friends...and chocolate. :-)

  5. Ooooh, a new blog look!!!! I like it!!

    Whenever I think about giving it up, I try to remember that writing is a choice, and a choice that I love, and whether I'm published or not, I'll still be writing. Always have been.

    And I'm thankful for amazing, supportive, talented writing friends like YOU!!!! (And some Star Wars fangirl :)

  6. You are so right! I love writing and forget sometimes. Holding on to the love is bound to make anything we write better. Passion and heart shines through in great books.
    So I'm grateful for writers like you who help us remember what we're doing here. And I'm grateful for loving writing, because it has opened my eyes to so many incredible things about our world.
    As for chocolate. It is defense against dementors, after all.

  7. I love posts like these, especially during Thanksgiving Week.

    I started writing because I loved books, tv, and film so much that I wanted to be the one creating stories and deciding what would happen. I wanted to be the one making other people laugh, smile, weep or shout :)

  8. Hi Lisa - I love the flames and the post!

    I started writing because I wanted a permanent record of all the stories that filled my head - I was so worried I'd forget them. So I wrote them down. Then I became addicted.

    I love that you included "personalized rejection" in your list - I have to remind myself that sometimes the seemingly negative things really aren't! Have a great Thanksgiving!

  9. Fantastic list! I'm grateful for a lot of the same things. I giggled at the line about your laptop being surgically attached to your lap. The same is true for me with mine. XD

  10. I started writing because I thought it would be fun. I was wrong: it's crazy, addicting, turn-your-life-upside-down stuff. :) But I wouldn't trade it for the world.

    Hang in there!

  11. I love your list. I started writing because I couldn't help myself. I was born to write. My first poem came when I was 5. As a kid I wrote plays (complete with my own songs) and coerced my brothers and cousins into performing them for our parents. If I didn't write, I think I'd go nuts. As for what I'm thankful for - my kids, that my husband has a job and supports my writing addiction, and that I live in the United States of America where I can pursue my dreams to my heart's content.

  12. Great post Lisa. You are right. We should focus on the positive and be thankful for all the wonderful writing brings into our lives. I started writing because I had to. I didn't know "why" I just knew I had to. Years later I still feel the same way, "I have to write." Go figure. But I wouldn't give it up for the world. It brings so many amazing things into my life. And I'm truly thankful for them all. Especially the terrific writer friends!

  13. It's all about the story, baby, and of course the people you meet on the journey. LIKE YOU!
