Monday, January 17, 2011

Doubt and Gremlins

Occasionally on Twitter, I use the hashtag #peskygremlins. I do this for fun of course, however in everything there is a grain of truth. See, Gremlins? They steal your matching socks, hide your keys, and the worst ones of all will whisper to your subconscious while you write. These most dangerous of creatures have another name - doubt.

We all feel it. Even JK Rowling has admitted to it (though perhaps not lately). On every step of the journey there's that nagging voice that makes us question our worth. These Gremlins sense your weakest moments, and pray upon your insecurities. So what can you do?

1. Turn that voice around!
Have you ever read a simply phenomenal book, and thought, I can't do that? That's a huge compliment to the writer. But instead, try forcing yourself to think, Wow, I can learn a lot from this writer, it gives me something to aspire toward. Because if I work hard enough I can do it! The Gremlin will no doubt run screaming.

2. Go with the flow!
You're sitting at your computer, in the middle of your rough draft, and all of a sudden your "internal editor" (yet another name for this type of Gremlin) says, "Darling, this is trash!" Well, just stick out your tongue and keep writing, because if you say, "Shut up, this is called a rough draft for a reason, and that's what revision is for," then the Gremlin will get so angry his ugly little head will explode. But don't worry it doesn't leave a mess, it just disintegrates. Then you can sigh with relief and let the words flow freely.

3. Focus on the positive!
You just got another rejection. Yep, it happens. To ALL of us. And this always make the Gremlins happy because they love to whisper those two little words, give up. Just laugh right in that Gremlin's face, and send out another submission, or revise (depending on the situation), and the Gremlin will become so confused that they end up spontaneously combusting. Because all you have to do is remember that this is just another notch in your belt for all those "How I got published" stories you'll no doubt tell later. Remember that this is a necessary stepping stone on the way to success. And remember that it always could be that very next one that does it.

So as long as you keep working on your craft, keep searching for support from other writers, and keep a broom on hand to chase away those pesky Gremlins... everything will be okay!!


  1. This was a much-needed post for me this morning...stupid Gremlins :)

  2. Darn it! I had a craving to watch the movie for family movie night but the library doesn't have it. :(

    I'm sure even JK Rowling has a doubts. Like how am I going to top HP. Or maybe she isn't going to bother trying. Maybe we'll never see another book from her again.

  3. I do my best to ignore those pesky gremlins that whisper doubt, but they come and go. Esp. with rejection or reading a great book.

  4. You are my hero, this morning. I really don't have much to complain about. Not pubbed yet, but I've had wonderful interest in my ms lately. I'm not sure what my freaking gremlins are gnawing at. I feel almost like the air has been stolen from my sails and I'm not sure what to do next.

    Does this sound right??

  5. Thanks you so much for this encouragement! How did you know just what I needed? You're awesome! Darn gremlins. Do they make a spray or a pesticide for those?!

  6. Jess - I'm glad I could help! Just kick 'em to the curb!!

    Stina - Let's hope JK can get past the gremlins, because I know I'd sure love more!

    Laura - Yes, thus the "pesky" part, they come and go! So just keep sending them on their way again!!

    Salarsen - Yeah! I'm a hero!!!! :D You made my day. And I know exactly what you mean. I've been feeling it lately too, maybe because of my gremlin expose? They're getting even! Well, now that I'm a hero I can use my superpowers on them, right?

    Heather - I wish! If you invent one, you could be rich and write for the rest of your life though, huh? :D Glad I could give you a boost!

  7. Love this post, Lisa. When I get this way I try to remind myself of something that happened at my piano recital when I was young. A friend of mine was playing a piece that sounded familiar to me. I figured my older, more talented, sister must have played it. I was amazed by my friend's talent, thinking I could never play something that complicated so well. Afterward, I asked her what it was...The reason I recognized it was because it was my recital piece from the year before! :-)

    Helped me understand how self-doubt is not always a truthful reflection!

  8. Susan - that's a perfect example! Some people have inflated visions of themselves, I tend to think most of us writers are the opposite. More self-doubting. But it is very difficult to see the truth sometimes. :D

  9. The Doubt Gremlin is so evil! I wish I could banish him forever!

  10. Lydia - The important thing is to recognize him for what he is and not take him seriously. :D

  11. Ha, I am putting a broom by my desk from now on! Shoo, pesky gremlins! :-)

  12. Isn't it funny in the world of doubt, how we can be our own worst enemy, when we should be our own best friend! I'm going to train my cats to eat Gremlins.

  13. Leslie - hey yeah! Then you can hire out their services!

  14. That's it! I have gremlins in my house. Every day they tell me my manuscript is stinky. I choose not to listen to them, knowing I can revise my way to wonderful.

  15. Julie - good for you! Because the truth is Gremlins smell so bad, how would ever know a stinky manuscript if they smelled it?

  16. My gremlin is loud lately. Do you have any easy SHUT HIM UP ways?

  17. Bekah - mine too! and now he's mad cuz I gave him away to everyone else and he's stealing things. Darn Gremlins!! *shakes fist* Just give him a good swift kick in the you know what, and write.

  18. Great post! I'm always battling discouragement, but I'm determined to write until I get published and keep on after that. I read a very similar post (from a different perspective) just the other day here:

  19. Lighting - Love Sarah's blog!!! She's awesome.
